Croydon’s LGBT Police Consultation Group: Meetings between the police and the LGBT community alternate months.
Croydon Area Gay Society: Social events for lesbians and gay men, with an active tennis group. Contact details for all events are in the CAGS Newsletter, circulated to all members.
Croydon LGBT+ Network Group
For LGBT+ Croydon Council Employees
Croydon Pride
Croydon Pride are responsible for organising Croydon PrideFest – London’s second largest Pride Festival – which has firmly become marked in south London’s LGBTQ+ calendar of events.
Lesbian Events
For Croydon and surrounding area
Rainbow Reading Group
LGBT reading group meeting in Croydon Library on the last Thursday of each month.
Rainbows Across Borders
Supporting LGBT asylum seekers in and around Croydon.
South London Gays
A friendly social group meeting in Clapham and elsewhere.
The Bridge
The Bridge is a free and confidential service for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and questioning (LGBTQ) young people aged 11 – 25 in Croydon. Phone 020 8305 5004 or email for more details.
Trans People Across London South): social and support for trans people.